Lost and Stolen Card

usaa 2018

A Moment that Matters

Our business partners came to us and asked if we could help with the lost & stolen card effort, an important Moment that Matters. Further discussion led to the high-level objective of “Ensure our members feel they are taken care of and are quickly back in business after reporting their card lost/stolen.” In order to properly work on this task, we set out to understand:

  • What does “taken care of” and “back in business” mean to members?

  • How do we define normalcy?

  • Why do members prefer calling to report lost/stolen cards to reporting through digital channels?

“We set out to understand the behaviors, emotions, and expectations of members before, during, and after experiencing a lost or stolen credit or debit card.

Interviews provided the opportunity to better understand our members’ backgrounds, as well as the methods, strategies, and tools they use during a lost/stolen card experience. We had members map on a timeline their entire experience from realizing their card was lost/stolen to the moment they felt "back to normal."

In Addition, our design team sacrificed their own credit cards to gain first-hand visibility into a lost/ stolen flow and experience. We experienced the lost/stolen process ourselves, with USAA, as well as with other banks.

Synthesis Process + Insights

Our team spent days in data synthesis based on the observations and quotes from our research. We noticed prevalent patterns emerging from our insights that ladder up to fundamental member needs. The success of any design would be measured against whether or not they fulfill these seven categorical needs.

Concept Validation + User Testing

In all, we did four rounds of user testing. Three of those were informal and focused on concept validation and general refinement. When we had more confidence about which concepts resonated with users or would actually help solve their problems, we moved on to a formal concept testing round with participants who had recently experienced a lost or stolen card. For the formal testing round, we brought our critical stakeholders to the studio to observe firsthand how members would react to and interact with the concepts. This proved to be a unifying experience for us in sharing our point of view on which parts of the experience would have the most significant impact and how the vision would need to be refined and even scoped into ordered, deliverable pieces.

Design Outcome

This project was reprioritized midstream. With the lost/stolen card experience being a Moment that Matters, we wanted to ensure that we provided our business partners with a validated concept documented and ready in the backlog when ready to build and deliver additional value to our members.

The Design Team

Jarrod Joplin, Design Director

Trisha Mock, Producer

Dan Zaharia, Senior Designer

Chris Kelley, Designer

Carly Stevens, Designer

Sean Holstien, Designer